Why Do People Join And Remain Members?
People become Freemasons for a variety of reasons. Some join as the result of a family tradition, because their father, grand-father, uncle or some respected figure in their life is or was a Freemason. Others join when they are introduced to the organisation by a friend, or out of a curiosity to know what it is all about.
Those who become active members, and who grow in Freemasonry, do so principally because they enjoy it. They enjoy the challenges and fellowship that Freemasonry offers.
There is more to it, however, than just enjoyment.
Participation in the dramatic presentation of moral lessons and in the working of a lodge provides a member with a unique opportunity to learn more about himself. It encourages him to live in such a way that he will always be striving to become a better man.
Not better than someone else, simply better than he himself would otherwise be.
He strives to be an exemplary member of society, and whatever other group he identifies with.
Each Freemason is required to learn and show humility through initiation. Then, by progression through a series of degrees, he gains insight into increasingly complex moral and philosophical concepts, and accepts a variety of challenges and responsibilities which are both stimulating and rewarding.
The structure and working of the lodge, and the sequence of ceremonial events (which are usually followed by social gatherings) offer members a framework for companionship, teamwork, character development and enjoyment of shared experiences.